Category Archives: Uncategorized

C.U.D. V.1.16 Released

Version 1.16 of Cassandra Universal Driver has been released



  • Added the ability to query another C.U.D. server, path and port in sample client_samples/php/sample_www_form.php
  • Added the ability to specify the Cassandra port in sample client_samples/php/sample_www_form.php
  • client_samples/php/sample_www_form.php checks if the simplexml_load_file returned false, what means that the XML responded by the driver had a problem/was malformed. This doesn’t have to happen but it is trapped just in case. That case could happen if the had an exception and returned a malformed XML file.
  • checks for the existence of the files before trying to copy

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a small bug with type conversion when server can’t connect to port